Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day Fun!

We made it!  The first day of Kindergarten!  Wow, what a busy day we had!  This morning we all met outside by the kindergarten doors for all of our friends to arrive.  It was a beautiful morning.

After coming into our classroom, we figured out how to hang our things in our coat room.  We ordered lunch and sang a few calendar songs.

Then, Mrs. Huettl told everyone about a letter she received from our janitor.  In the letter, we found out that some bears may have been running loose in the school.  We had to calm some fears of real bears, but eventually we were all ready to go on our "Bear Hunt."  We searched throughout the school for the bears, following paw prints along the way.  We ended up finding 24 bears (beanie babies)!!!  We found them by the music room, gym, Mr. Tinjum's office, Ms. Smith's desk in the office, the nurses' office, Mrs. Bowman's office, the Spanish and art room, the library and the cafeteria.  All those important places that we need to know about!!! 

While we were in the cafeteria, Mrs. Bowman gave us an introduction to the lunch room and showed us the difference between trash and compost.  We were all set for the lunch room!

When we returned to the classroom, those tricky bears had left us a snack of teddy grahams and milk!  Yum!

We did some exploration with pencils today and tried out the erasers too!  Exploration of materials lets students use the materials for their own purpose, prior to using them for an assigned task.

We did go outside for recess today and boy was it HOT!!!

This afternoon we made a Kissing Hand craft that was sent home in your child's F.I.S.H. folder. 

We even had time to open up one of our play areas in our classroom, table toys.

We are tired!  Make sure to get lots of rest tonight and eat a good breakfast.  We have another full day planned for tomorrow!

I'm really looking forward to this school year.

Mrs. Huettl

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mrs. Huettl. The video is GREAT! Glad to hear the first day went so well!! Jennie Kloos (Daniel's mom)
