Thursday, September 20, 2012

Graphing Day!

Good Afternoon!

Today's Mystery Letter was the letter A,a.  We really enjoyed the song about the letter A,a and the two sounds that the letter makes.  We decorated our letters with apples and acorns to represent both sounds.

We also had SMART time today.  Our activities today were the same pattern as yesterday.  We will continue to get new activities and patterns on Wednesdays and then repeat them on Thursdays.  This repetition helps us to feel successful.

We had two jobs during math today.  First we created a graph of all our birthdays.  We each came up and put a picture of balloons in a column by the month our birthday is in.  When all the birthdays were up, we answered questions, such as which month has the most birthdays?  Which month has the least birthdays? (When April was given as an answer, we discussed why June and August actually have the least amount with zero.)  We identified which months had two birthdays, etc.

We also needed to come up with a name for our graph so that people that walk past it in the hall know what we are talking about!  We came up with the title, Birthdays in Mrs. Huettl's Class.

Our second job was to finish up our number posters by gluing the photo we had taken on Monday onto the poster.  We completed this task and hung our posters in the room.  Here is one section:

We continued to work on assigning goals during our journal time today.  I think we are about 2/3 of the way there.  Hopefully everyone will have their goal by tomorrow and we can start earning those stickers next week!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Huettl

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