Friday, September 14, 2012

Kindergarten Picnic and Our Friday!

Good Afternoon!

I'm going to combine both the Kindergarten Picnic and our day today together in this post.  It was so nice to see so many families last night at our picnic.  I'm sure everyone had a great time getting to put names to faces and meeting new families. 

We even got to play some games with Ms. Westman.  It was fun seeing all the parent involvement as well. 

This picnic was just the first of many opportunities for you to connect with other Somerset families.  There truly is a sense of family here at Somerset, so welcome to the family!

Today was a great day in kindergarten!  It was our friend Elijah's birthday!

While singing an alphabet song this morning we were "raising the roof" for each letter.

Our Mystery Letter today was the letter C,c.  We made colorful curls and glued them onto our letters.

We met with our 2nd grade buddies today and did some reading in our classroom.

During math today we practiced counting backwards from 10.  We also played Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.  We took turns being monkeys and jumped on our giant bed (the carpet) and one at a time we "fell off."  We had fun!

This afternoon during journals we talked about writing lines for each word we want to write.  If our sentence is, "The princess is in the castle," then we need to draw 6 lines on our journal page.  Then we sound out the words one at a time and write down the sounds we hear.  We will be ready for journal volunteers in the next week or so.  If you signed up, you'll be hearing from me, and if your interested but did not sign up, e-mail me and I'll get you set up.

We had our second fire drill of the year this afternoon.  It was during our choice time.  We did a great job of leaving everything behind and lining up quickly!

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!  I'll see you on Monday!

Mrs. Huettl

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