Friday, September 7, 2012

A Great Week!

I can not believe that we have already wrapped up our first week together in kindergarten.  We have already learned so many new things, and I bet your kiddos are started to come home with various songs stuck in their heads.

Today we met our 2nd grade buddies.  Each of us had one half of a star shaped puzzle and our buddy had the other half.  We met out by the peace garden and spent time getting to know each other and reading some books!  We had a lot of fun!  Here is a slideshow-I couldn't pick just one picture!

During our poetry time today we sang the poem/song, "Willoughby Wallaby."  We took turns putting each of our names into the song.  This helped us to become more familiar with our friends names, and worked on initial letter sounds.  This afternoon we drew a picture of ourselves and then glued an elephant sitting on us! 

During our choice time we opened up the classroom library and the doll house today.  I missed getting a picture of the doll house, but we'll get one next week.

We also had our first fire drill!  It was the first time in years that we got through the first fire drill with no tears!  Awesome!

See if your child can show you the Harry Potter cheer that we learned today!

Here are a couple pictures from recess today!  We are really starting to make connections and form new friendships!

Have a wonderful weekend!  See everyone on Monday morning.  Don't forget both the Friday Folder and the F.I.S.H. folder!

Mrs. Huettl

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