Monday, September 10, 2012

Back At It!

I have to say again how impressed I am with these kindergarten friends!  Even after two "stay at home" days, they still remembered everything they learned last week in kindergarten!  We are learning how to be a good friend, how to use our manners, and how to be a kind person in the Somerset family.  What a great place to be!

Today we started our "Mystery Letters."  The Mystery Letter that came out of the bag today was the letter L,l.  We participated in an interactive video about the letter L,l, read a book about a lamb that laughed a lot, did an art project with leaf stickers, and sang "Lippety Loo Lah," instead of "Zippety Doo Dah."
  During our math lesson today, we were each given a strip of paper.  We had to find the friend that had the piece of paper that was the same size as ours.  To do this we had to mingle with our classmates, compare paper sizes, and then have a conversation with our new friend about what we did this weekend.

Today was our first day of library.  This was very exciting.  For this first check-out, the kindergarten friends were limited to books that our librarian, Mrs. Garrett had pulled from the shelves and put onto tables.  As the weeks go by, we will learn how to find and select books from the shelves.  Your child's book was taken home in a plastic bag with a yellow letter explaining the expectations with library check out.  Please return your child's library book by next Monday inside the bag provided.

This afternoon we talked about the things that we want to do while we are in kindergarten.  I found that this group really likes to play!  We can learn so many things through play, so that is a great thing!  We also decided that we all want to learn how to read!  That made my day!  I absolutely love teaching kiddos how to read!  Check out the list, there are some knee-slappers...

During Choice Time today, we opened up the writing center.  This center has a variety of materials for students to just create.

Have a wonderful afternoon!  See you in the morning!

***Tomorrow morning, students will not be greeted outdoors by their teachers.  All students will be able to walk in through the kindergarten doors and up to their classroom upon the buses arrival.

Mrs. Huettl

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