Monday, September 24, 2012

We Are Readers!

This morning we began building stamina with our reading.  We talked about what to do when we "Read to Self" and we had some friends show us what to do and also what NOT to do!  Here is a poster of our expectations:

Today, our goal was to read for one minute without breaking our stamina.  That meant no talking or getting up and moving around.  Just sitting with a good book.  We talked about how we can read the words, read the pictures, or use the pictures to make up our own story.  We were successful!  We read for one minute today!  Next time, we will go for two minutes.  When we reach 7-10 minutes of reading, Mrs. Huettl will start pulling small guided reading groups!

Our Mystery Letter today was the letter F,f.  We glued feathers onto our letters, which is no easy task! 

We had to lift our fingers off our papers slowly, or we took our feathers with us!

During science today we talked about the different parts of a tree.  Then we labeled a tree picture in our science notebook, just like scientists do!  I think we have a good start on our tree knowledge, and we will be ready for the Dodge Nature Center tomorrow!

This afternoon we worked in our journals, and then Mrs. Huettl gave us the last couple of minutes to share our journals with a partner.  It was fun to show and be proud of our work, as well as get new ideas from our friends.

Tomorrow we are leaving for the Dodge Nature Center at 8:45.  Please dress for the weather.  We will be spending a lot of time outdoors!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Huettl 

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