Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Good Afternoon!  Today was an exciting day because we started our centers for the first time!  Each week we will have four centers that students will rotate through over the course of two days.  This week we used our centers to catch up on our Mystery Letters. 

We decorated letter H,h by poking holes into the letter with paper punches. 

We decorated our B,b with colorful balloons.  Students only made one Mystery Letter today depending on the stations they went to, so check for the other Mystery Letter tomorrow. 

At the two remaining stations we used rip art to decorate an apple.  We will be using this apple to illustrate our apple poem from last week. 

We also used the laptop computers today!  We each have our own account on, a fun interactive educational sight that you may have seen advertised on the Disney channel.  This sight offers a free subscription to public school teachers, so each student has their own individualized learning path that we will work on during our weekly centers. 

During SMART time today we added a few new activities.  We worked on our lower back muscles and pretended to fly like superman. 

We also had "hot lava letters" added to the balance beam.  We had to step over these letters while saying the letter name. 

We also practiced reading some of the teen numbers while making a table with our backs.  In the fine motor area, we traced different lines with dry erase markers and used some fall lacing cards.

This afternoon we worked on finishing our science notebook entries about the Dodge Nature Center and wrote in our journals. 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day!  We are participating in the world record Jammin' Minute at 10:00am!  Check our gym teacher, Ms. Westman's website on the Somerset page to see the Jammin' Minute.

Have a great night! 

Mrs. Huettl

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