Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Field Trip

Today was an "out of the ordinary" day!  We went to the Dodge Nature Center this morning.  First, we went inside and talked about parts of the trees and what trees need to survive.  We even got to dress Ellie up as a tree! 

Then we ventured outdoors and split into two groups.  We went on a nature hike looking for different trees and seeds.

We joined back up into one big group and played a game where we each a card with a picture on it.  We we got to run around and then go to a base.  The goal was to get all five things we need for a tree on each base: seed, soil, air, water, and sun.

Of course, we had to pose for a class picture!!!

This afternoon we had Spanish and Computer classes right after lunch, and then Mr. Tinjum came in for our Kindness lesson that we missed this morning.  By the time we were done with all these special activities, we had just enough time for choice time, and then we had to wrap up our day!

We will be extra busy tomorrow...the plan is to work on two Mystery Letters!

Have a great night!

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