Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Journal Day

Another busy, busy day in Kindergarten!  This morning we had our next Mystery Letter- I,i.  We watched an interactive video about the letter I,i and learned that the letter I,i makes two different sounds!  We decorated our letter I by coloring it indigo, then added an igloo and an ice cream cone so that both sounds would be represented on our letter.  We also read a story about an iguana named Iggy!

We all learned a game together outside this morning, but of course, I forgot my camera!  Ask your child about the game, Toilet Tag!

Mr. Tinjum came today for our first Kindness lesson.  Today we talked about things we can do to be kind.  We also discussed the "Golden Rule."

We also had math today. We explored our pattern blocks.  We talked about all the different shapes including, square, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, and hexagon.  Today we were able to make different designs.

This afternoon we passed out our kindergarten journals for the first time.  Our task today was to decorate the front cover using four or more colors.  We did some great work!

Have a wonderful evening!

Mrs. Huettl

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