Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wow!  What a day!

First of all, Happy 6th Birthday to our friend, Dylan!!!

This morning we finished our centers from yesterday.  I didn't have a picture of the balloon covered B,b from yesterday, so here it is:

We also practiced building our reading stamina.  We did such an amazing job!  We were able to read for 3 minutes without any distractions today!!!  We could have gone even longer, but we want to take it one step at a time. 

We had SMART time today and ended our time with the World Record Jammin' Minute.  If you would like to see what we did during the Jammin' Minute, you can look on Ms. Westman's webpage.  You can find it on the Somerset Website under academics, specialists, phy. ed.

This afternoon we had the honor of celebrating the life of George Lowe.  Mr. Lowe was a teacher in District #197 as well as a long time volunteer firefighter for the city of Mendota Heights.  Mr. Lowe passed away this week and the fire department requested that the students of Somerset come outside and be a part of his funeral procession.  We talked about how we were celebrated the life of a great man who made wonderful contributions to our community.  You could have heard a pin drop throughout the procession.  All the students were so respectful and you could tell by the tears in the eyes of the family how much our presence was appreciated. 

After the procession, we came inside to work on both our Mystery Letter D,d and our journals, so we were busy! 

Tomorrow is the Read-a-Thon Kickoff at 8:00 am.  Please make sure your child is to school on time, so that we can walk down to the gym together.  This is a very exciting assembly that includes a performance from the teacher dance group, The Rockin' Readers.  Mrs. Huettl just may be a part of that group....  All Read-a-Thon information will be sent home in Friday Folders tomorrow.

Enjoy your evening!

Mrs. Huettl

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