Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meet and Greet

Wow!  What a fantastic evening.  It was so nice to see my new kindergarten friends again and meet their family members.  Thank you to everyone who participated in this great "get to know you" event!  We accomplished many things this evening.

Kindergarteners were able to bring their supplies and show off their new backpacks:

New friends were able to familiarize themselves with their classroom:

We were able to start making connections with our new classmates:

We even got to test out some parts of the room!

The best part: we were able to do all of this with the comfort of our families presence.

Tuesday will be here before you know it.  This is the day you have been waiting for since you first held your little bundle of joy :)  The first day of kindergarten.  As my own children get closer to this passage into the school system, I become more and more aware of what a great milestone is upon each of you!

Whether this is your first time sending a child to kindergarten, your last time sending a child to kindergarten, or somewhere in between...this is an important year that we will share together.  Here is a poem to help ease any anxieties and hopefully not cause too many tears. :)

I gave you a little wink and smile
as you entered my room today.
For I know how hard it is to leave
and know your child must stay.

You’ve been with him for five years now
and have been a loving guide,
But now, alas, the time has come
to leave him at my side.

Just know that as you drive away
and tears down your cheeks may flow
I’ll love him as I would my own
and help him learn and grow.

So please put your mind at ease
and cry those tears no more
For I will love him and take him in
when you leave him at my door.

Enjoy your weekend!  Check back here on Tuesday for highlights from our first day!
Mrs. Huettl 

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