Monday, September 17, 2012

A Great Start to a Great Week

I don't know what it is, but I just have a really good feeling about this week.  We started it out with a great day!

Today was our tenth day of school!  This meant we had our first visit from Zero the Hero!  He left us a letter taped to a box of fruit loops.  Fruit loops are in the shape of a zero!  We ate our fruit loops for snack.

Now, when I told you that we "do math" every day, I was not kidding!  After an introductory discussion on place value, specifically the tens and ones place, we went to enjoy some down time with snack.  However, Mrs. Huettl can be tricky, and when I asked to students to sort their fruit loops by color while they were waiting for everyone to be served, I was really pre-assessing everyones knowledge of sorting before our sorting lesson tomorrow.  Sneaky, sneaky!

Speaking of math, we also did some pre-algebra this morning during our "under the sea" work.  Check out the picture below.  That empty box is one of the first steps to algebraic thinking!

This week we will be taking our reading baseline test.  This test is done with paper and pencil and students have to listen very carefully as we go through each question together.  Today we took a practice test to help prepare us for the next couple of days.  We worked on test taking skills, such as following along with the teacher, only circling one item, when you don't know-give it your best guess, and don't shout out the answer so everyone can use their own brains!

Our mystery letter today was the letter Q,q.  We put question mark stickers onto our letters.  We ran out of stickers a lot faster than anticipated, so some letters may look a little sparse...

In math today we started to make posters for the numbers 0-10.  We worked in teams of three to add stickers to our posters.  We were also able to use Mrs. Huettl's camera to take a picture that represented each number.  Can you guess which number these student taken photos represent?

I'm going to have to take some photos of journals tomorrow because I am so impressed with the work I am seeing this early in the school year.  We have some amazing kid writers in this room!!!

Have a great evening.  Sorry for the late post.

Mrs. Huettl

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