Thursday, September 13, 2012

Picture Day!

Good Afternoon!

Today was an exciting day in Kindergarten!  This morning when we came into the classroom there were various materials for us to explore at our tables.  These materials will eventually be used at our word work station.  For now, we just get to explore.  We are rotating these materials to all four tables over the next four days.  One table had daubers.  They were able to create their own designs and take them home.

The next table was full of alphabet puzzles, both upper and lowercase.

Magnet letters and cookie sheets were set out at another table.  Students had fun sticking the letters onto the cookie sheets and some started to spell out names of their family members.

The final table had white boards and dry-erase markers.  These are super fun because your writing can wipe right off!

Ask your child which material they got to explore this morning!

We continue to draw a name out of the magic hat each morning.  When a child's name comes out of the magic hat, we get to celebrate that child's name.  We read their name, spell their name, clap their name, and whisper their name.  Here is Natalie writing her name on the Activboard for us.

Our Mystery Letter today was the vowel O,o.  Again, we talked about how the letter O,o has two different sounds.  Each sound is represented in the decorated letter, short o-octopus, and to represent the long o sound, we colored the letter orange.

We had our first full-out SMART time today.  For a description of SMART, check yesterday's post- We are SMART!  The obstacle course today consisted of hot dog rolls, an eye exercise where you track your thumb moving in towards your body and away from your body for 5 seconds each, the popcorn exercise, bouncing on a mini trampoline while following an alphabet chart, and crawling on the floor while slapping and identifying numbers on poly spots.  We also started with our warm-up and ended with our cool-down.  We had lots of fun!  Many students are looking forward to the balance beam being incorporated. (Sorry, I had technical difficulties trying to rotate my pictures!)

During math today we practiced counting by using our sense of hearing and touch.  First Mrs. Huettl hid her hand in a can and dropped in little discs.  We couldn't see, so we really had to listen to figure out how many discs were in the can.  Then we used the sense of touch.  We partnered up and tapped our partners back, then our partner had to tell us how many taps we did.  We then, of, course, reversed the roles.

This afternoon we were busy with gym and music class.  We also worked in our journals and Mrs. Huettl started to conference with half of the class.  We are almost ready to begin our journal parent volunteers :)

Hope to see you all soon at the Kindergarten Picnic.  I will post again either later tonight or tomorrow with highlights from the Kindergarten Picnic.

Mrs. Huettl

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