Thursday, September 6, 2012

Yipee-Day Three!

Good Afternoon!

Today was so much fun!  All the kindergarteners are starting to understand the routines and are in need of less and less reminders.  I can't believe how fast they are picking up on everything.  We have a bunch of smart cookies in here! 

This morning we added "Under the Sea" work to our morning routine.  This is a question or direction under our morning message for each student to complete when they arrive at school in the morning.  Today, we circled our names.

We use cheers in our classroom to celebrate a job well done.  So far we have learned the cowboy cheer, the train cheer, and today...the disco cheer!  We did a disco dance while singing, "ah, ah, ah, ah, we did a good job, we did a good job."  It was so fun and cute, I had to take a picture.

Part of our day was spent working on our cutting skills.  We cut straight lines, zig-zag lines, and wavy lines.  Then we turned our paper scraps into crowns!  It was so much fun!  We got to choose if we wanted to be a king or queen, a pirate, or a pirate prince or princess.  This of course determined which paper scrap we would use. 

During our choice times today, we opened up the Lego table and the puzzles!

During our writing time, we practiced writing the letters of our names on our friends' backs!

We had a full day today!  Tomorrow we get to meet our second grade buddies!  What fun!
A Class Full of Crowns

Have a restful evening.

Mrs. Huettl

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