Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Super Day!

Good Afternoon-

We had four centers this morning as well as a new SMART rotation!

We created a flower diagram and labeled all of the parts as well as the things necessary for a plant to grow.

We also read a book about seeds that utilizes our new sight word: they.

In our technology center we explored a new app called, Endless Alphabet.  Students had lots of fun matching letters are learning new vocabulary words.

For word work, we practiced writing our new sight words and wrote -ot words into boxes that fit each letter. (This was sent home today for you to reference)

During SMART time we used our fine motor skills to rip up pieces of paper that will be used in an upcoming art project.

We also "planted" seeds and used our tweezers to pick them out of the "garden."

One of the most difficult tasks yet was pulling apart these beaded necklaces and putting them back together.  Our fingers really got a work out!

In the large motor section of SMART time we worked on hand/eye coordination by throwing up balloons, catching them and then reading the word that our thumb landed on.

We also practiced walking backwards on the balance beam!

This afternoon we observed a bunch of different seeds!  We took notes in our science journals.  It was amazing how many different types of seeds there are!

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Mrs. Huettl

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