Friday, February 22, 2013

More Snow :)

Another fun day at recess playing in all the freshly fallen snow!  Although, I am getting antsy for spring, these days make the winter bearable!

Today we talked about verbs and how they change for things that are happening now or things that happened in the past.

Our buddies came up this morning and we started writing our own books based on the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series.  They are coming up with some very creative ideas.  I can't wait for you to see the finished products!

We also did some measuring this morning using our own foot cutouts.  We noticed that people that measured the same thing came up with different results.  Have your child tell you the story about the queen's bed and measuring using the king's foot.

This afternoon we attempted to create a presentation on the educreation app.  We ran into several technical difficulties before finally throwing in the towel (for today).  We will re-explore this app next week with confidence that all the "bugs" will be worked out.

I am attending a conference this weekend on young children and technology, so I hope to gain even more knowledge of apps and other technology to bring into our classroom!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Huettl

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