Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Week's Worth of Fun!

Okay.  Back on the blog saddle!  When I went to import pictures from my camera and the number read 47, I knew this was going to be a lengthy, informative, and fun blog post!

We have done so many things since last let's start there :)

Last week we had our first Junior Achievement lesson with Terry from Thomson Reuters.  Terry will be coming for the next month or so on Thursday afternoons to share lessons with us related to the business world.  Our first lesson was about farms and trading for different goods.  We even got to draw pictures of our favorite animals!

This week we started our new story, Farfallina and Marcel.  We just brushed the surface, but will continue with this story next week.

We did spend some time looking for popcorn words, and different word families in our decodable readers.

We are also working on those transition numbers, the numbers that end in 9.  We sing a song called, Over the Hump and Jump, where we practice each transition from 9 all the way to 99.  Here we are jumping!

On Tuesday, Carol, from the Wetworth Public Library came to read the kindergarteners a story.  She read us the book, I'm Bored, about a girl trying to convince a potato that kids are not boring!  Carol is a great story teller.  Check out the Dakota County Library Website for some great upcoming events, including Waggin' Tales (reading with dogs) which is coming up this Saturday!

On Wednesday we had our 100th day of school! We started with a 100 day snack.  We had to put ten pieces of ten different ingredients onto our placemats and then count them by tens before we could eat.

While eating our snack, guess who walked through our door!  Zero the Hero!!!  We sang songs with Zero and told him jokes (many of which only 5-6 year old humor could understand and appreciate).  Zero even brought us tootsie rolls!!!

We had four 100-themed stations for the rest of the morning.  We played Roll to 100, and colored in a hundreds chart as we rolled our dice.

We used bingo daubers to daub 100 gumballs in order-this was a challenge!

We worked together as teams to put together a 100 piece puzzle.

We made crazy 100-day hats complete with 100 stickers!!!

Check out our class picture!

Mrs. Huettl had to be gone in the afternoon of the 100th day-due to sick kiddos at home, but Mr. Fox said the students were excellent and they had a great time making a Zero the Hero art project together.

That brings us to today, Valentine's Day.  I am drinking loads of water, trying to come down from my sugar high!  It was a sweet day!

This morning we made table decorations for next week's family breakfast.

Then it was time for Jump Rope for Heart!  Thank you for all the donations that came in!  As a school we have raised over $6,000 so far!  We jumped this year in memory of Mrs. Helgesen's husband, who passed away in December after a heart attack.  It was a special day.

For our math lesson, we graphed candy hearts (and ate a few too).

This afternoon we started putting together scrap books of all the Valentines we received from friends.  This project will have to be finished at home :)

We also took our nature paper home today after stamping two hearts onto one side :)

We had our second Junior Achievement lesson this afternoon, with the focus being on money.  We discussed earning and saving.  We each got a scratch off bookmark to take home and a mini-book with stories inside!  We have a great time with Terry!

So, that's been our week in a nutshell.  Now that school life is getting back to normal, we should have regular blog posts again.

On Tuesday, we will be welcoming a new friend, Abby, into our classroom for the afternoons.  We are excited!

Have a wonderful long weekend!  See you on Tuesday!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mrs. Huettl

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