Monday, March 4, 2013

Measurement and Paper!

Over the past three school days we have done lots of great learning!

On Thursday we explored a variety of measurement tools including meter and yardsticks, rulers, and tape measures.  We practiced measuring around our classroom.

We also discussed drawing conclusions.  This means that we use what we already know to decide what will happen in a story we are reading.  We made this chart to help us remember:

On Friday we celebrated Lucy's birthday!

We also celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday! We watched a video and ate cupcakes with our entire Somerset family.

Because it was Lucy's birthday, so was able to be a lead singer for the Happy Birthday song!

Today we had science and explored how different writing utensils work on different types of paper.  Ask your child about their paper writing experience!

Travel safely in the morning!

Mrs. Huettl

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