Thursday, February 21, 2013

Finally, Some Fresh Air

Whew!  We got to go outside for recess today!  It was nice to get out, have some space to move around, and breathe in some fresh, crisp air!

This morning we worked hard during our literacy workshop time, making choices, meeting with small groups and becoming better readers!

We had SMART time this morning and completed this cycle for the last time, next week we will see new sections of our SMART rotations.

In math we finished up our butterflies by graphing the shapes that we used to contruct our butterflies.  We will be hanging these in the hallway outside of our classroom. (Pictures coming soon!)

This afternoon we introduced the "King of -ing" crowns during journal time.  We brainstormed some -ing words and set to work.  We only have 6 "King of -ing" crowns currently, so we have to take turns, unlike the "Whiz of is" hats.

We had our third Junior Achivement lesson this afternoon, which resulted in no choice time.  (we had some bummed kiddos)

We talked about planting a garden with Terry today!  We used stickers to plant our own gardens in rows!

Tomorrow is another fun and exciting day in K!  If the commute is truly slow and snowy as they are predicting, please be careful and travel safely!

Mrs. Huettl

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