Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do I Fit?

Good Afternoon,

My apologies for missing our blog post from yesterday!  I remembered that I was going to do it at home at about 3:00 am!!  So here is our past two days in a nutshell...

We started our story and focus for the week, Seeds.  At the end of the book, the author talks about growing an avocado plant, which we are trying in our classroom!  This could take several weeks, but we will keep observing!

We are working on the short o sound and words with the -ot and -op chunks.

We had Science yesterday as well.  We are exploring paper!  We looked at ten different types of paper and went on a paper hunt throughout our classroom.  Look at what we found:

Today we had a group of friends perform a Reader Theater for the class.  These students are working on their expression as they are reading.  We video taped the performance, but have not found the correct cord to hook the camera up to my computer.  We will post video when available!

In math we used our "kindergarten" feet to make a bed like the apprentice in the story, How Big is a Foot?.  Then we used king sized feet to make a second bed.  There was a big difference!

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Mrs. Huettl

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