Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Yes We Can!

Today Mr. Tinjum came in to talk with our class for our weekly kindness lesson.  The lesson was about not saying, "I can't" and giving up.  Even though we may be the youngest students in the school, we can do amazing things.  If we are having trouble with something, instead of saying, "I can't" we can ask for help! Not giving up is a great lesson to learn!

This morning we worked hard on our reading and word work!  We will start assessing soon for the end of second quarter and I can't wait to see all the growth that has taken place in the past nine weeks!

During math today we explored a new math tool: the pattern block template.  We traced shapes and made our own creative designs!

This afternoon we worked hard in our journals.  Here are a couple examples of friends that are getting the hang of writing two sentences!  Way to go!

See everyone tomorrow for another great day!

Mrs. Huettl

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