Monday, January 14, 2013


Good Afternoon-

Today was/is so chilly!  We had indoor recess this morning so we could stay warm!  We also worked more on reading words in the -ip, -im, and -it families.  We also read our new book for the week, Whose Garden Is It?.

During math we practiced counting on starting at various numbers between 1-100.

This afternoon we worked on making our pieces of wood sink.  We were given paper clips and rubber bands as tools and set to work.

We tried setting the paperclip on top of the wood....wood floated, paperclip sunk.

We tried attaching paperclips to one side of the wood....wood flipped over so the paperclips were face down.

We attached multiple paperclips to each side of the wood block...wood sunk!!!

This was such a fun exploration!

Have a great evening and stay warm!

Mrs. Huettl

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