Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We Have Grown!

Good Afternoon!

Today was a special day-for many reasons!

We celebrated Freya's 6th Birthday!

We celebrated Rosa's 1/2 Birthday!

Mrs. Huettl assessed students throughout the day today to see all the growth we have made this quarter!  I am so proud and excited to share with you both on the upcoming report card and our conference next month.

We worked in 4 different centers today and started making a garden mural, which we will post pictures of when it is done.

We had an assembly this morning and watched a jump roping team!  Mrs. Huettl even double dutched!!!

This afternoon we worked in our journals, did a little more assessing and had lots of birthday treats!

Tomorrow is the last day of our 2nd quarter!

See you in the morning!

Mrs. Huettl

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