Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Little Quack

Good Afternoon!

Yesterday's post will be included today, with kindergarten registration last night, there was no time to post on the blog!

Yesterday we worked on our new poem for our poetry notebook, "Row Your Boat."  We also added the beginning R,r sound to our word chunks that we have hanging up on our wall!

In math we practiced using the ipads as a slate.  Mrs. Huettl asked questions and we had to follow these steps:
5) Erase
6) Get Ready to Listen Again

We intended on using the app, Show Me, as you saw in the newsletter, but found the app Doodle Buddy to work much better for our purposes.

In the afternoon we did a Valentine themed art project to hang in our windows.  Lots of cute owls!

Today we worked in four different centers.  We sponge painted Little Quack and used our popcorn words to write two sentences about our painting.  These are hanging up in our south facing windows!

We explored the math tool, geoboards.  We made it through with only one flying rubberband :)

For word work we had to blend words and color in mittens that represented the picture.

We worked on the starfall website again this week.

In math, we introduced the Attribute Blocks.  We worked together as a team to sort the blocks in several different ways:
1) shape
2) number of sides
3) color
4) size
5) thickness

This afternoon we finally had the chance to write in our journals's been awhile!

Please remember that the temperature is going to be dropping dramatically.  Send warm clothing with your child!

Thanks so much!

Mrs. Huettl

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