Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Good Afternoon!

We had a high-energy day in kindergarten!  We worked hard this morning reading The Big Hit on starfall.com.

We also brainstormed some adjectives, the ones in purple were about a ball that we tossed around the room and then ones in blue were about a waterfall.

During math time, we explored the calculators.  We pushed all the buttons, pretended they were phones, cash registers, you name it!  Then we got to work and practice pushing certain buttons and discussed how the numbers look a little different because the calculator uses all straight lines.  We also figured out how to enter in the number 10, since there is no 10 button.

This afternoon we worked in our journals, trying to add in some adjectives and enjoyed each others company during choice time.

Tomorrow, Mrs. Huettl will be pulling students to assess for the second quarter.  We will have a guest teacher for the morning.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Huettl

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