Monday, January 7, 2013

MIA and Exploring Wood

Good Afternoon!

On Friday we had a pretty unusual day.  We met with our buddies to go over our groups for afternoon field trip and the expectations for the art institute.

We also made a snow globe art project.  They turned out so great, we are using them for the school's front bulletin board!

In the afternoon we hopped on the bus and went to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts with our 2nd grade buddies.  We saw many different pieces of art all themed around America.  It was a great experience being in a museum and seeing the real peices of art work!

Today we started working on reading words with the medial i sound (such as pig, sit, Tim, etc.)

We also read our new story for the week, A Bed for the Winter.  This story follows around a dormouse who is looking for the right bed for his winter slumber.  The book addresses several animals that hibernate during the winer months, and the shelters that they utilize.

During math today we played the game, Top-It (which you may remember as War).  Have your child teach you how to play this game with a deck of cards at home.

This afternoon, during science, we explored wood and water.  Last week, one of our friends said, "if you get wood wet, it will break!"  So, instead of explaining, we let all our friends see for themselves what happens when wood gets wet.

We also checked to see if would wood sink or float!

Lena won the AR test drawing today!  Congratulations Lena!!!

We had a great day in kindergarten!  See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Huettl

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