Friday, January 11, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Good Afternoon.

Today was a busy, busy, busy day in kindergarten.  We had lots to accomplish today, and we did it all!!!

This morning we worked on our reading choices and Mrs. Huettl met with small groups for guided reading and some small group rhyming instruction.  We also played a game on our white board about opposites.  The vocabulary on this game from Between the Lions was outstanding!

We read with our 2nd grade buddies and played a math game using the hundreds grid.

We worked on writing the letter I,i during handwriting today.

In math we worked on extending patterns through a fun song where we used movement to create and extend patterns, and also with our white board, dragging up shapes to extend patterns.

This afternoon we were able to fit in journals and SMART time because we did not have our typical movement time with Mr. Tinjum.  We also watched a short video on hibernation from a website called, BrainPop Jr.

We deserve two days of rest-we've worked hard!

See you on Monday!

Mrs. Huettl

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