Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Somerset Family

Today was a special day because we took our Somerset Family Picture!!!  We all met on the hill out back by the butterfly garden and took a picture with all students and staff from Kindergarten to 4th grade.  It was a beautiful day for our picture.  Check the window outside the office soon to see our picture.  It will also be included in the Somerset yearbook at the end of the school year.

This morning we finished up our last two rotations of centers.  During centers there are many time when we need to work independently.  We are working on building up our independence.

During SMART time today we introduced the Spooner board.  This board helps with our balance.  We rocked back and forth shifting our weight while counting to 20 today.  We also read sentences while bouncing on the trampoline.

In the fine motor stations, we worked on making designs on peg boards and writing with chalk.  Both of these activities work on our pincer grip which will help us when we hold our pencils for writing.

We had to take advantage of such a beautiful day.  Our kindergarten tree has been delivered, so we went outside to do some observations of our tree.  We noticed lots of things, like the colors and shapes of the leaves, the berries that were in bunched in groups, the red "sold" tag, and the black bucket our tree is sitting in.  We put these observations into our brains, and then came inside to record what we had seen.  We did our very best to include as many details as we could remember.

At one point this morning a group of wild turkeys were hanging out outside of our windows.  We took some time to quietly sneak over and take a peek at them.

Today was the first drawing for the Read-a-thon.  We had two winners in our classroom, Natalie and Dylan!  Congratulations!  Keep reading at home and filling out your orange slips.  Orange slips will be collected again on Monday. 

Tomorrow students are encouraged to wear red and yellow in support of Sibley High School's homecoming week. 

Have a wonderful evening.

Mrs. Huettl

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