Monday, October 22, 2012

Back At It

The kiddos are not the only ones getting back into the swing of things!  After saying "good-bye" to everyone I sat down to upload pictures and realized...I didn't take any today!!!  Yikes!  I took a few pics around the room, but no student pics today. 

This morning we started our next story, Plaidypus Lost

Prior to reading the story we made some "I wonder..." statements.  Kids said things like:
"I wonder what those stripes are on the platypus."
"I wonder who made the platypus."
"I wonder where Plaidypus gets lost."
All these statements got us thinking about reading before we even opened the book.  Our minds were engaged during the reading as we searched for answers to our "I wonder.." statements.  Try doing this at home with a new picture book.  The library book your child brought home today would be a great place to start!

Here are the amazing words we heard in our story:

In our classroom we have a Reading Focus Wall.  Here is a picture of the wall along with close-ups of each skill.

New Take Home Books went home today in velcroed plastic sleeves.  This should help with books falling out of our FISH folders. 

We had new table spots and carpet squares today!  This was super exciting.

Ok...tomorrow-it's back to some action photos!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Huettl

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