Monday, October 15, 2012

Mystery Letter Day

Today was full of Mystery Letters!  We had three of them!!!  We started with the letter V,v.  We added vines to our letters.

Then we went on to the letter Y,y.  We decorated our letters with yellow yarn.  Some of them were still pretty wet, so they are still at school drying.

Our final Mystery Letter of the day was the letter X,x.  We put x-rays on our letters.  We also decided to put x's like in xoxo, but we couldn't agree on whether the x's were kisses or hugs...

We also met in small guided reading groups today.  Two groups met with Mrs. Huettl and one group met with Miss Hogan.  This small group instruction is essential in teaching your child to read.  I'm so excited that we have built up our stamina to make it happen!!!  Here is a picture of Cooper using the witch finger to track his reading.

In your child's FISH folder, they are taking home their first "Take Home Book."  There is a Reading Log, which has been partially filled out by your child.  There is also a parent letter on a golden colored piece of paper to fill you in on the expectations.  Keep this book in your child's folder when not reading it at home.  The book should travel to home and school each day with your child.  There are times when your child will be reading this book at school as well.  Each Monday, your child's "Take Home Book" will be switched out for a new one.  Contact me with any questions you may have.

Today during choice time we had lots of great building taking place.  We made awesome towers and cages for animals.  it was fun to work together and be proud of our creations.

If you did not bring your orange reading slip to school today, bring it tomorrow!  If we all bring in a reading slip, we will meet our classroom goal and earn a prize!!!

Enjoy your evening.

Mrs. Huettl

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