Thursday, October 11, 2012

Five Fingers

Good Afternoon.

This morning we actually did our math lesson during our Morning Meeting.  We played a game called, Finger Flash.  Everyone hid their hands behind their back and then when I called out a number they had to show me that many fingers as fast as they can!  The objective in this game is to develop automaticity with counting finger.  If I say, "five," we want kiddos to know that means all the fingers on one hand, rather than counting out each individual finger.  We also learned another great lesson.  There are more than one way to make a number.  Here is a picture of some friends showing three different ways to make the number 7 with their hands! 

We have built our stamina up to 9 minutes!  Yahoo!  Mrs. Huettl even met with a guided reading group today for the first time.  This is a huge milestone.  We can now start individualizing reading instruction through small group guided reading lessons.  I already have next week's books and lessons ready to go!

This week we have been talking a lot about syllables.  This morning we made syllable soup.  We cold put anything we wanted into the soup, but we had to tell how many syllables it had.  We are now in the middle of making a class book about our syllable soup.  You will get a sneak peek tomorrow, and the book will be available for viewing during our conferences in November.

Our Mystery Letter today was the letter W,w.  We used watercolor paints for the first time to create a wavy, watery, W.  Now that we introduced watercolors, our easel is also open during choice time!

Happy 6th Birthday Noah!!!

Have a great evening!  See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Huettl

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