Monday, October 1, 2012

The Little School Bus

Good Afternoon!  This week we are starting our Reading Streets Curriculum.  Today we introduced the sight words: I am.  We created a book using the sight words and color words.  We colored pictures in our book so that we could use the pictures as a clue for the color word.  We also practiced tracking while reading by pointing to dots that were under each word.  Here is a picture of a couple of the pages from our book. Eventually this book will be sent home with your child.

We read the book, The Little School Bus.  This is a great rhyming story about seven different animals that ride the bus to school.

Our amazing words this week are number order words, such as first, second, and third.  We heard these words in our story, and we are using them throughout the week in our classroom.

We continued to build our reading stamina today and boy did we ever!  We read for 6 minutes today!!!  Mrs. Huettl will be able to start pulling small groups next week at this pace!

In math today we finished our pattern stations.  It was also our 20th day of school!  Zero the Hero came and left us a letter and zero-shaped snack, Cheerios.  We had to count our Cheerios into piles of twenty.

It's tough to fit it all into the day, so this afternoon we took a break from our journals and instead we worked on our Mystery Letter for the day, M,m.  We decorated our letters with metallic paper.

Also being sent home today is the first set of Learning Links.  Learning Links are the equivalent of homework in Kindergarten.  These are quick activities you can do with your child at home each night of the week.  Learning Links are meant to bridge the learning happening at school to home.  They do NOT need to be returned to school. 

Remember the school wide Read-a-thon has begun!  Turn in your orange reading slips to the Zebra box each Monday.  If you forgot your slip today, that's okay, bring it tomorrow!  We will take slips at anytime!  The weekly prize drawing will be on Wednesday.

Have a wonderful afternoon!  See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Huettl

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