Friday, October 12, 2012

Fire Department and Technology

Good Evening!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and this beautiful sunshine!

This past Friday I was only in the classroom for the first half of our day due to an out of town family wedding.  So much happened in our half day together.  For starters, it was our friend Willa's birthday!

The Mendota Heights Fire Department came to school and talked to us about fire safety.  We watched a little video about fire safety, and we watched Mrs. Huettl dress up in all the firemen gear!  It was heavy...and hot!

Afterwards, we had the opportunity to go outside and look at the fire truck!

Our class picture...we keep having sunny days for our class pictures. :)

During the second half of our morning, we each got an ipod touch and went on a number hunt throughout the upstairs hallway at school.  We got a lot of pictures of numbers!  We found big numbers, and little numbers. We found numbers on walls, lockers, signs, shirts, boxes...everywhere!  It was so much fun and a great use of our technology!

Remember to bring your orange reading slip to school tomorrow and your library book!

Mrs. Huettl

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