Friday, October 26, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect

Good Evening!

We spent a great deal of time this morning re-building our stamina and practicing our reading.  It is important that even the youngest students start building their stamina for reading and learning in general.  Of course we build this stamina little by little, but each second counts and they do add up!  While reading today, each kiddo picked out a "Reading Buddy" to keep in their book box.  This encourages students to whisper read aloud, rather than just reading in their head.  When first learning to read, it is important to self-monitor your reading and any errors you may make.  It is easier to hear your errors if you are reading out loud rather than in your head. 

One of the focuses in our curriculum this week was discussing what we look like.  We talked about drawing a person and even watched a short video on how to draw people.  After that we gave it a try ourselves.  We are looking for drawing to include important body parts, such as arms, legs, head, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, etc.

We met with our 2nd grade buddies this morning.  We read and also spent some time playing a math game.  This math game is called, "Top-It."  It is basically what you and I grew up playing, but we called it "War."  The game is intended to teach students greater than and less than a specific number. 

During our own math time, we played the game, "Spin a Number."  We created a spinner using a pencil and a paper clip.  We took turns with our partners moving our game piece that number of squares that the spinner indicated.   It was great watching partners work together and help hold the spinner while the other person took their turn.  Way to go!

This afternoon we started decorating our scarecrow costumes for next week's annual kindergarten scarecrow parade!  We put patches onto our vest and added some "stitches" with our black crayon.  Can't wait to see the finished product next week!

Enjoy your weekend!  Keep reading!  Let's end this Read-a-thon with a bang!

Mrs. Huettl

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