Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Super Day!

Good Afternoon-

We had four centers this morning as well as a new SMART rotation!

We created a flower diagram and labeled all of the parts as well as the things necessary for a plant to grow.

We also read a book about seeds that utilizes our new sight word: they.

In our technology center we explored a new app called, Endless Alphabet.  Students had lots of fun matching letters are learning new vocabulary words.

For word work, we practiced writing our new sight words and wrote -ot words into boxes that fit each letter. (This was sent home today for you to reference)

During SMART time we used our fine motor skills to rip up pieces of paper that will be used in an upcoming art project.

We also "planted" seeds and used our tweezers to pick them out of the "garden."

One of the most difficult tasks yet was pulling apart these beaded necklaces and putting them back together.  Our fingers really got a work out!

In the large motor section of SMART time we worked on hand/eye coordination by throwing up balloons, catching them and then reading the word that our thumb landed on.

We also practiced walking backwards on the balance beam!

This afternoon we observed a bunch of different seeds!  We took notes in our science journals.  It was amazing how many different types of seeds there are!

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Mrs. Huettl

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Do I Fit?

Good Afternoon,

My apologies for missing our blog post from yesterday!  I remembered that I was going to do it at home at about 3:00 am!!  So here is our past two days in a nutshell...

We started our story and focus for the week, Seeds.  At the end of the book, the author talks about growing an avocado plant, which we are trying in our classroom!  This could take several weeks, but we will keep observing!

We are working on the short o sound and words with the -ot and -op chunks.

We had Science yesterday as well.  We are exploring paper!  We looked at ten different types of paper and went on a paper hunt throughout our classroom.  Look at what we found:

Today we had a group of friends perform a Reader Theater for the class.  These students are working on their expression as they are reading.  We video taped the performance, but have not found the correct cord to hook the camera up to my computer.  We will post video when available!

In math we used our "kindergarten" feet to make a bed like the apprentice in the story, How Big is a Foot?.  Then we used king sized feet to make a second bed.  There was a big difference!

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Mrs. Huettl

Friday, February 22, 2013

More Snow :)

Another fun day at recess playing in all the freshly fallen snow!  Although, I am getting antsy for spring, these days make the winter bearable!

Today we talked about verbs and how they change for things that are happening now or things that happened in the past.

Our buddies came up this morning and we started writing our own books based on the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series.  They are coming up with some very creative ideas.  I can't wait for you to see the finished products!

We also did some measuring this morning using our own foot cutouts.  We noticed that people that measured the same thing came up with different results.  Have your child tell you the story about the queen's bed and measuring using the king's foot.

This afternoon we attempted to create a presentation on the educreation app.  We ran into several technical difficulties before finally throwing in the towel (for today).  We will re-explore this app next week with confidence that all the "bugs" will be worked out.

I am attending a conference this weekend on young children and technology, so I hope to gain even more knowledge of apps and other technology to bring into our classroom!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Huettl

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Finally, Some Fresh Air

Whew!  We got to go outside for recess today!  It was nice to get out, have some space to move around, and breathe in some fresh, crisp air!

This morning we worked hard during our literacy workshop time, making choices, meeting with small groups and becoming better readers!

We had SMART time this morning and completed this cycle for the last time, next week we will see new sections of our SMART rotations.

In math we finished up our butterflies by graphing the shapes that we used to contruct our butterflies.  We will be hanging these in the hallway outside of our classroom. (Pictures coming soon!)

This afternoon we introduced the "King of -ing" crowns during journal time.  We brainstormed some -ing words and set to work.  We only have 6 "King of -ing" crowns currently, so we have to take turns, unlike the "Whiz of is" hats.

We had our third Junior Achivement lesson this afternoon, which resulted in no choice time.  (we had some bummed kiddos)

We talked about planting a garden with Terry today!  We used stickers to plant our own gardens in rows!

Tomorrow is another fun and exciting day in K!  If the commute is truly slow and snowy as they are predicting, please be careful and travel safely!

Mrs. Huettl

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We had a lot to accomplish today and we stayed focused and wow...we accomplish, we did!

This morning we had our four literacy centers!

We made books that went through the life cycle of a butterfly.

We made caterpillar patterns.

We worked on

We sorted words by intial sounds.

During SMART time we laced hearts...

used stencils to draw a picture...

and scooped beads into heart shaped containers.

We also rolled dice and followed a path of double digit numbers.  We had to the read the number that we landed on.

In math we made symmetry butterflies!  We will graph the shapes we used tomorrow!

We had a wonderful and productive day!

Mrs. Huettl

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back to the Grind :)

Today was great!  We are back to our normal schedule and routine.

We celebrated Olivia's birthday today!  Happy Birthday Olivia!!!

This morning we worked with the letter F,f and learned the Five Fast Fishes song!

In math we traced and cut out out own feet in preparation for some measurement activities that we will be engaging in this week.

We started our new journals today!  We gave our journal a title on the front cover.  We also are taking time to share our journals at the end of journal time.

We welcomed Abby to our class!  Abby will be joining us in the afternoons for the remainder of this school year!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Huettl