Friday, December 7, 2012

S is for Skittles

Good Evening!

Happy Birthday Ellie!!! (One day early)

What a fun day!  We started out with a family breakfast for families with last names L-Q.  Here are some of the families from our class that attended this morning's breakfast:

This morning we talked about proper nouns.  A proper noun is the name of a person, place, or thing, or an animal.  Say that sentence to your child and see if they sing it back to you!

We practiced the letter S,s in handwriting.  This letter can be a bit tricky and is commonly reversed.  If you notice reversal of the letter S,s at home point it out to your child and have them correct the direction of the letter.

We met with our buddies this morning.  We shared our poem notebooks with our buddies and we played a matching game with dominos and our number cards.

This afternoon we had a fun math activity.  Since we are talking about the letter S this week, we ssss-orted and graphed SSSSS-kittles!  Yum!  We are showing secure graphing skills.  We do lots of graphing during our morning calendar math, and the practice is paying off!

I hope your family made it home safely...the roads got pretty slick!  Enjoy your weekend and the freshly fallen snow!

Mrs. Huettl

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