Thursday, December 6, 2012

Movers and Shakers

I'm sure you are all aware by now, but we do a LOT of moving and grooving in kindergarten.  It helps blood flow to our brains, it is engaging, and we can recall information more readily when it is learned to the tune of a song.

We have a couple of songs we have been singing to practice counting by tens.  Here are some photos of us dancing and singing by tens.  Have your child count by tens for you at home.  Chances are they will sing them, rather than just say them. :)

We finally got our Whiz of is hats labeled.  They are so much fun!

We did a lot of reading this morning and have built our stamina up to 12 minutes!  This is great news for our guided reading groups.  We can do a lot in those 2 extra minutes!

In math we started discussing probability.  We talked about things that were likely and unlikely.  We also discussed what it means for something to be impossible. (we decided going to the moon at recess today would be impossible)

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is Friday already!  Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow.

Mrs. Huettl

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