Monday, December 17, 2012

A Double Post

Here we attempts at thinking back to last Thursday, and a review of our day today....Got to love home Internet outages!

Last Thursday we discussed main idea.  We took items out of a mystery bag and had to decide what the main idea of the bag was.  Take a look:

Then we read our book and wrote down what was discussed on every couple of pages.  We used these details to determine our book's main idea:

Our fine motor stations for the next two weeks are as follows:

Lacing gingerbread men:

Pushing Ornaments into a tree, and pulling them out:

Picking up small beads and matching them to the colors of the snowmen's buttons:

We shared our journals with partners today.  It was fun to see what our friends are writing about!

On to Monday!

Today was a typical Monday which was reassuring and welcoming after last Friday's tragedy.  We read our new story Bear Snores On.  We also discussed our amazing words, including the word, blustery!

We keep our word work choices new and engaging.  This week's four new choices are:

Nuts and Bolts- screwing nuts with letters printed on them onto a bolt to make our sight words.

Speed Reader- students use a stop watch to record how many seconds it takes for them to read a list of sight words.  There are six trials, and students try to beat themselves each time.

Magnadoodles- Students write their sight words on the magnadoodles.

Roll and Write-Each sight word is paired up with a dice combination.  Students roll the dice and write the corresponding word onto their paper, making a graph of sight words.

Have a great night.  Hug your kiddos, and we'll see you tomorrow!

Mrs. Huettl

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