Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Chill in the Air

Good Afternoon!

We worked really hard durin gour Daily 5 time this morning!  Students were engaged in word work, reading to self, and listening to reading.  In fact, one student proudly cam up to me after one of our choices and said, "Mrs. Huettl, my name has two vowels and and two consonants in it!"  (I wonder which word work this kiddos chose today...)

Mr. Tinjum came in this morning and talked to us about the new word of the week:  Honesty.  We drew some pictures about not blaming others, or how it feels to be blamed for something you did not do.

In math today we order green paper strips by length.  Then we centered them on a piece of red paper and made a tree!  Tomorrow we will add ornaments to our trees.

This afternoon we started talking about adjectives, specifically referring to color.  Students were challenged to use a color word to describe something in their journal today.

Becuase we are talking about grassland animals this week, we have a giraffe project at the easel during choice time!

Each time we get dressed for outside, it takes a little less time.  Now onto organizing the coat room!

Have a great evening.  Stay warm!  See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Huettl

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