Monday, December 3, 2012

A little of this-A little of that

Yikes!  Two posts in one, yet again!  Let me get you up to date!

On Friday we celebrated Alex V.'s birthday!  Happy Birthday Alex!!!

We also met with our buddies and played a dice game with the 100 grid.  It was lots of fun-sort of like Chutes and Ladders, without the Chutes.

We also read with our buddies.

We worked on nouns for more than one on Friday and matched words to their pictures.  We can change a word to mean more than one by adding an s at the end.

Today was Monday.  We had four new word work stations:

Writing in sand.

Stamping our sight words.

Making our sight words by gluing letters onto paper.

Searching for sight words in a bottle of rice.

We also work on more -at and -am words, adding the /s/ sound in the beginning, making sat and Sam.  We have a friend named Sam!!!

This afternoon we went on a wood hunt in our classroom.  Mrs. Huettl his a bunch of wood samples.  We had to find them and then get them into the correct bin by looking at the different characteristics.  We decided that it was hardest to distinguish between basswood and pine.  Particle board and plywood seemed to be the easiest to differentiate.

Afterwards, we each took a label that read, "This is made of wood."  We had to go around the room and stick the label to something made of wood. We have labels everywhere-doors, furniture, walls, and of course our wood floor!

We had a great day together.

Mrs. Huettl

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