Friday, November 9, 2012


What a fun day!  Wow!

This morning Mr. Brooks taught us a math lesson on teen numbers.  We focused on teen numbers being a set of ten, plus some more.  For example, the number 14 is ten and 4 more.  By presenting the numbers in this way, students will develop a greater number sense around the teen numbers, rather than just identifying the digits. 

We are also working on our number writing.  We practiced writing on each others backs today!

We had our school-wide Read-a-thon celebration!  Congratulations to Carter, Skyler, Lena and Lucy for making it into the 1,000 minute club!!!  A special congrats to Lena for being one of the Top Readers in Kindergarten!!!

At the assembly we watched Master Boltz break 7 bricks!

 We saw a sumo wrestling match between Mr. Tinjum and Mrs. Bowman.

Mrs. Huettl danced with the Rockin' Readers! 

This afternoon we worked on journaling with the ipads.  We are still working out some kinks, but I am excited for where this experience will take us in our story telling as we become more and more familiar with the process.  We were able to get several students journals uploaded.  Some of us are starting to tell stories, others are loving hearing our own voices, so there is a bit of variety as you will see.  There is no right or wrong way:)

Alex V.'s Journal                                Alex P.'s Journal                                Daniel's Journal
Ella's Journal                                      Sam's Journal                                     Skyler's Journal
Jesse's Journal                                    Lena's Journal                                    Lucy's Journal
Natalie's Journal                                 Sophee's Journal                                Willa's Journal

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  I look forward to the upcoming week and meeting with each of you to discuss your amazing children at our parent/teacher conference!

Mrs. Huettl

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