Monday, November 12, 2012

Let in Snow!

Good Afternoon!

Today was a wonderful day to be in kindergarten!  Who doesn't love then first real snowfall of the season?!?!?  We enjoyed ourselves outside at recess today.  Remember to start packing all those winter clothes, including boots and snowpants.  We will be going outside all winter, unless temp dip to dangerously cold levels (which is bound to happen at some point) :)

This morning we had our final lesson from Mr. Brooks.  He taught us about communication and being good listeners.  We even helped him to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!

We also started our new story Dig, Dig, Digging. We have some great amazing words this week: scooping, swooshing, squelching, gobbling, spinning, and rumbling.  We will be using these words in some of our work later in the week.

We went to the library today.  We have been having fun "sneaking" up on Ms. Nyhus at the check-out counter.  We are so quiet so doesn't even know we are there!!!

This afternoon we had our first official handwriting lesson!  We worked really hard on our upper and lowercase letter M,m.  Students circled the letter they felt they did their best on.  Check them out!

I'm am excited to start meeting with parents tomorrow at conferences!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Huettl

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